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“Find your balance, improve your well-being, increase your joy, touch happiness.”  Monica Gentile

Read HERE the residential weekend program CELEBRATE YOURSELF IN NATURE and book by June 30th!

Celebrate Yourself in Nature is a residential weekend dedicated to the regenerating wellness of Yoga, Meditations and Laughter, in the splendid naturalistic scenery of the Itria Valley in Puglia (IT) under the oaks of Par Tòt. Two immersive days of regenerating practices in an environment that arouses peace and harmony. A residential workshop has the charm and power of the community, like a small or large family celebrating every aspect of life together. The residential weekend is open to all, it is not necessary to already be practicing Yoga and meditation, this retreat is recommended for couples or acquaintances. It is possible to stay overnight at Par Tòt from September 3rd and continue the holiday even after the retreat! The residential will take place in Locorotondo (Bari, IT), Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th September 2021, at Par Tòt. It is possible to book until June 30th! INFO and BOOKING HERE.