My Yogic Vision
Yoga form me is a constant research getting to know more about my true nature. Yoga embodies a healing power and who practice Yoga easily access to a self-healing power, which for me it is the ability of revealing mine and other people’s essence. Yoga is supporting my daily life in achieving a deeper connection to myself. Grounding the body, expanding the mind each person access to a deeper state of bodily, emotional and mental peace.
In Hatha Yoga meditation is the aim of the practice, the meaning of meditation in my experience is found through a way to see reality, a lesson about love, observation, compassion, and happiness.
My teaching experience
I have thought from beginners to advanced from young to elderly, coming from different countries. I have experience teaching in English, German and my mother tongue Italian. I have gained experience teaching also to patients with chronic pain and to older people, approaching them with care, attention, love, empathy, giving guidance to improve postural habits. I yearn for sharing my knowledge and my lifestyle with the wish to inspire others.
Do you want to know about my classes, workshops and retreats?
Have a look on my Blog. Here you find past Hatha and Laughter Yoga Workshops .
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