“Being aware of one’s life energy gives and reveals the joy inherent in each of us.”
When you join one on one sessions you aims to find guidance in helping yourself regulate and rebalance the functions of your body and mind, this is what in China is called MEDICAL QI GONG and it is the movement form of the Ancient Chinese Medicine. It is a way to foster health through prevention.
With individual sessions of medical Qi Gong you will be supported to bring clarity and focus on one or more aspects and problems to which you wish to bring light and resolve.
My approach is based in the concept of salutogenesis, the way a person looks at life has a positive influence on health, it is based on wellbeing and an idea of coherence.
I like to remind to who work with me that each one of us is responsable for our own health, wellbeing and happyness in life.
Fostering the Mantra “I am my own Master and Healer” which i found very empowering for my own life. All this is incredibly liberating, give us freedom to be active in how we choose to be and live.
Qi Gong, was developed in China thousands of years ago as part of traditional Chinese medicine. (READ MORE…)It involves using exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being. Qi Gong has both psychological and physical components and involves the regulation of the mind, breath, and body’s movement and posture.
Qi Gong techniques primarily focus on a conscious breath coordination with slow and dense body movements, which involve the energy within you to flow. All this lead to a Meditative and harmonious state.
In China, many forms of Qi Gong are connected with ancient Chinese Medicine, with philosophical currents such as Taoism, Buddhism, and Martial Arts.
Qi Gong has developed taking different forms, we speak of alchemical and spiritual Qi Gong, Martial Qi Gong, and Medical Qi Gong.